justin = {main feed , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
Decanted Youth - Gumby Robots Mix
October 17, 2018


Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - The Hindenburg (Extended) -- [16:04]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - The Internal Dialogue of a Cartographer -- [12:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Swimming in Circles -- [9:15]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Illogical Anomaly -- [7:11]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - Monstrous Endgame -- [8:32]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Rhythm Beyond the Stars -- [7:42]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 - Antique Trick -- [11:37]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Upset at the Wether -- [3:54]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Private Life -- [9:00]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 - Sweet Talk -- [8:42]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 - Standing in Hell Again -- [7:32]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 12 - Critters, Be Gone! -- [9:22]

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