justin = {main feed = { recent comments, search } , music , code , askjf , pubkey };
March 18, 2021
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [10:00]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [16:09]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [13:47]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [3:37]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 5 -- [11:43]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 6 -- [14:44]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 7 -- [17:21]
March 16, 2021
reconfigure the secondary
what used to be
March 8, 2021
minimal loneliness
March 6, 2021
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [28:47]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [16:05]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [12:00]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [16:02]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 5 -- [12:44]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 6 -- [11:57]
March 2, 2021
never coming off
February 27, 2021
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [6:11]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [10:32]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [15:01]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [14:39]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [14:11]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [7:45]
gouache shark study
February 25, 2021


gouache shark study
February 25, 2021


gouache shark study
February 25, 2021


gouache shark study
February 25, 2021


gouache shark study
February 25, 2021


February 24, 2021
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [2:44]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [5:50]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [7:14]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [4:45]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [2:52]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [4:18]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 7 -- [5:06]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 8 -- [3:22]
February 22, 2021
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [3:29]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [8:49]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [13:31]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [3:21]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 5 -- [12:51]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 6 -- [12:33]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 7 -- [4:22]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 8 -- [5:21]
super8 - 1 -- [5:57]
super8 - 2 -- [5:31]
super8 - 3 -- [5:36]
super8 - 4 -- [1:31]
super8 - 5 -- [6:01]
super8 - 6 -- [5:31]
February 13, 2021
stephanie_andy_cory - 1 -- [6:18]
stephanie_andy_cory - 2 -- [7:24]
stephanie_andy_cory - 3 -- [9:26]
stephanie_andy_cory - 4 -- [18:17]
stephanie_andy_cory - 5 -- [18:21]
stephanie_andy_cory - 6 -- [11:17]
stephanie_andy_cory - 7 -- [16:48]
stephanie_andy_cory - 8 -- [32:44]
February 8, 2021
super8 - 1 -- [6:42]
super8 - 2 -- [9:20]
super8 - 3 -- [8:01]
super8 - 4 -- [6:09]
super8 - 5 -- [7:10]
February 5, 2021
freeform jam with andy and cory
February 3, 2021
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [4:13]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [12:11]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [6:24]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [18:16]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [23:45]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [11:06]
January 26, 2021
super8 - 1 -- [5:20]
super8 - 2 -- [5:02]
super8 - 3 -- [6:31]
super8 - 4 -- [7:07]
super8 - 5 -- [4:54]
January 13, 2021
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [18:22]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [23:37]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [29:42]
how many
January 11, 2021
super8 - 1 -- [6:03]
super8 - 2 -- [6:13]
super8 - 3 -- [9:46]
super8 - 4 -- [17:52]
January 7, 2021
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [13:55]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [18:49]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [14:13]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [11:59]
hello again
January 3, 2021
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [12:20]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [7:41]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [13:05]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [7:05]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [2:11]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [9:23]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 7 -- [7:43]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 8 -- [7:09]
oh a new year again
January 2, 2021
Well I failed at writing more during the pandemic. Shit.

I made a bunch of youtube videos w/ super8, including a tutorial which might be useful to some people:
(youtube link)

WARNING - DO NOT READ -- boring personal health/running related story follows. This is here for my own future reference, mainly:
In May of last year I was running a lot, laps on the roof and outside. I wasn't bicycling much. My knee started feeling weird and not really working right. Normally I'd go to the chiropractor, but with the pandemic I was avoiding things like that. So I tried massaging all of the bits around the knee, to try to loosen it all up. Bad move. I soon discovered that I had completely pissed off a bursa, which is a bad idea. That made it hurt to walk. By July I could run again, a little, but then I was getting a lot of pain around the bursa. More time off. Some bike rides, maybe not enough. In August I saw my doctor, and then saw an orthopedist. Got an MRI. MRI showed I had a torn meniscus (complex tear, medial horn, something like that). Ortho recommended surgery to clean it up. Finally went to the chiro, who was helpful. At some point I remember him applying pressure on the lateral side of the knee, pushing inward, and it popping a bit and then feeling better after it. Read a study about knee surgeries for this type of thing and how the differences of outcome were hard to measure between surgery and sham surgery. Read that MRIs can tell you about the tears, but there's no way to know whether they are a month old or 10 years old. I had a few things as a teenager that seem like must have done damage. Anyway, I was still having that bursa pain, but then found some crosswise friction massage on the tendon helped it almost immediately. After that I was able to run on and off in September to October. By November 6th I went to Forest Park and did 3 laps on the trails, which was great, but definitely used different muscles and motions vs road running. After that there was some soreness in the knee which felt deep, but after a day off I was able to start running again every day, with low miles at first, and November 7 until December 27 I ran every day with overall mileage increasing. Things didn't feel great all of the time but mostly they were OK. Anyway then on December 27, and maybe earlier but I ignored it, biomechanically things started going wrong. And after the Dec 27 run, the pain returned. A week has gone by since then, it's gradually been getting better, bike rides definitely help. (I just pushed from the lateral side on the knee and popped and that may have helped too, we'll see). So my current theory is that when I get tired enough and the right muscles weak enough, the knee's form changes such that it isn't operating correctly, which causes pain. Maybe I can adjust it back when needed, and strengthen the muscles to keep it working right? We'll see... So for now I've made myself a winter plan, which involves trying to bicycle ever day, not running more than 5 miles a day, not running more than 30 miles a week, and not doing speedwork. I'm putting that here so that I don't forget.
TL;DR: boring paragraph

Also those last Not Vampires NINJAM tracks were pretty fun! Favorites include Track 4 starting around 7:00 and Track 5 around 2:00

December 31, 2020
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [15:19]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 - Locked Inside -- [5:40]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [6:32]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 - Up from the Bottom -- [10:39]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 - The Fading Fabric of Space-Time -- [6:10]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 - Light Creeps-y -- [7:08]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 7 -- [1:44]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 8 - Insecurity / Forget About Me -- [22:49]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 9 - Broken and Squeezy -- [7:51]
December 28, 2020
Decanted Youth with Cory Choy (NINJAM) - 1 -- [12:45]
Decanted Youth with Cory Choy (NINJAM) - 2 -- [52:44]
Decanted Youth with Cory Choy (NINJAM) - 3 -- [70:32]
December 21, 2020
andy_cory_ninjam - 1 -- [15:44]
andy_cory_ninjam - 2 -- [16:33]
andy_cory_ninjam - 3 -- [6:12]
andy_cory_ninjam - 4 -- [8:51]
false captivity
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [5:24]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [11:38]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [5:00]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [10:11]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [13:08]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [2:25]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 7 -- [7:56]
December 18, 2020
live solo improv: super8 maybe all
December 15, 2020
live solo improv: super8 desktop
December 13, 2020
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [25:05]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [16:17]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [7:06]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [9:07]
December 12, 2020
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 - (ninjam) -- [15:45]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 - (ninjam) -- [29:14]
December 5, 2020
andy_sarai_jimmy - 1 -- [22:01]
andy_sarai_jimmy - 2 -- [49:28]
andy_sarai_jimmy - 3 -- [15:45]
December 3, 2020
andy_cory_nico - 1 -- [11:45]
andy_cory_nico - 2 -- [49:48]
andy_cory_nico - 3 -- [26:29]
November 30, 2020
live solo improv: super8
the kenny special
November 24, 2020
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [14:28]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [3:48]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [26:13]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 4 -- [10:14]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 5 -- [5:18]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 6 -- [24:21]
November 18, 2020
round two
November 17, 2020
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 -- [9:49]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [11:03]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [35:23]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [28:08]
November 15, 2020
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 - (ninjam) -- [41:10]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 - (ninjam) -- [17:04]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 - (ninjam) -- [15:29]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 - (ninjam) -- [16:25]
November 12, 2020
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 - (programmable nonsense) -- [3:58]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 -- [19:12]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 -- [19:42]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 -- [15:23]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 5 - ordinary world is the glue for the fabric of our reality -- [29:26]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 6 -- [10:57]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 7 -- [9:14]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 8 - Insecurity / (taste of light creeps) -- [18:12]
live solo improv: super8 motion sickness
November 11, 2020
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 - (ninjam) -- [6:01]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 - (ninjam) -- [40:25]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 - (ninjam) -- [37:25]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 4 - (ninjam) -- [19:30]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 5 - (ninjam) -- [8:42]
November 5, 2020
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 1 -- [14:31]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 2 -- [9:15]
Not Vampires (NINJAM) - 3 -- [33:20]
November 4, 2020
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 1 - (ninjam) -- [16:48]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 2 - (ninjam) -- [20:45]
Decanted Youth (NINJAM) - 3 - (ninjam) -- [39:19]
November 2, 2020
live solo improv: super8
October 29, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Which Way Is Up? -- [4:26]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Which Way Is Up? (second take) -- [7:15]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Which Way Is Up? (third take) -- [5:10]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - ??? / Private Life -- [12:18]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - The River -- [5:11]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 -- [10:17]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [9:18]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Standing Orders -- [15:58]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Las Vegas -- [4:22]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 - Leacho (Cosmos) (Vocals) -- [6:21]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 - ??? / Hindenburg -- [9:31]
October 27, 2020
Not Vampires - 1 -- [9:40]
Not Vampires - 2 -- [14:07]
Not Vampires - 3 - (wolf at the door cover musings) -- [7:24]
Not Vampires - 4 -- [5:02]
Not Vampires - 5 -- [6:01]
Not Vampires - 6 -- [10:11]
Not Vampires - 7 -- [12:30]
Not Vampires - 8 -- [10:06]
Not Vampires - 9 - (eventually light creeps) -- [17:45]
Not Vampires - 10 - Candy Bandit -- [3:26]
Not Vampires - 11 - Candy Bandit Reprise -- [1:37]
Not Vampires - 12 -- [5:24]
October 22, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - ...and we lost sound -- [2:03]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 -- [9:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Private Life -- [11:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Private Life (Alternate Reality) -- [6:54]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - The River (Instrumental) -- [5:11]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 -- [5:41]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [5:42]
October 17, 2020
wave like you mean it
wrong turn
October 15, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 -- [8:29]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 -- [8:35]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Private Life -- [9:49]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - The River -- [6:25]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 -- [5:02]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - Hindenburg -- [9:36]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [8:03]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Standing Orders -- [8:52]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Leacho / Cosmos -- [7:07]
and thus concludes
October 13, 2020

1 Comment

October 12, 2020
goodnight kenny

1 Comment

October 9, 2020
Decanted Youth - 1 -- [1:57]
Decanted Youth - 2 -- [8:35]
Decanted Youth - 3 -- [6:11]
Decanted Youth - 4 -- [14:25]
Decanted Youth - 5 -- [25:24]
Decanted Youth - 6 -- [18:16]
Decanted Youth - 7 -- [3:19]
Decanted Youth - 8 -- [11:07]
Decanted Youth - 9 -- [12:17]
October 8, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Heading to the Polls / Destiny Unknown -- [11:47]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Private Life -- [5:53]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - Private Life (Reprise) -- [8:50]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - The River -- [5:36]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 - The Aftermath -- [8:41]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 -- [5:22]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [11:04]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 -- [6:50]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 -- [8:38]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 -- [6:08]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 -- [6:54]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 12 -- [6:27]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 13 -- [3:37]
October 4, 2020
andy_cory - 1 -- [6:21]
andy_cory - 2 -- [14:40]
andy_cory - 3 -- [24:12]
andy_cory - 4 -- [11:16]
andy_cory - 5 -- [5:31]
andy_cory - 6 -- [5:24]
Not Vampires - 1 -- [4:19]
Not Vampires - 2 -- [4:04]
Not Vampires - 3 -- [6:37]
Not Vampires - 4 -- [4:23]
Not Vampires - 5 -- [12:25]
Not Vampires - 6 -- [6:40]
Not Vampires - 7 -- [7:02]
Not Vampires - 8 -- [3:41]
Not Vampires - 9 -- [5:19]
Not Vampires - 10 -- [6:27]
October 2, 2020
live solo improv: super8
radiohead puzzle slowness
September 28, 2020


Not Vampires - 1 -- [8:08]
Not Vampires - 2 -- [5:25]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 -- [6:08]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 -- [7:44]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 -- [11:40]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 -- [4:27]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 -- [12:59]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 -- [4:44]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [5:52]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 -- [5:37]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 -- [9:12]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 -- [4:50]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 -- [9:59]


September 26, 2020
Decanted Youth - 1 - Reflections (Return, Instrumental) -- [10:59]
Decanted Youth - 2 -- [7:39]
Decanted Youth - 3 -- [9:50]
Decanted Youth - 4 - Legacy / Interlude / What If We All Just Disappeared? (Instrumental) -- [34:52]
Decanted Youth - 5 - Sandman / Interlude / Insecurity (Instrumental) -- [20:36]
Decanted Youth - 6 - Insecurity (Reprise) -- [8:38]
September 25, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 -- [2:39]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 -- [1:31]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 -- [6:09]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Las Vegas (Instrumental) -- [5:31]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 -- [5:16]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 -- [8:47]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [12:01]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - The River -- [6:46]


Not Vampires - 1 -- [5:37]
Not Vampires - 2 -- [5:39]
Not Vampires - 3 -- [7:50]
Not Vampires - 4 -- [7:35]
Not Vampires - 5 -- [3:20]
Not Vampires - 6 -- [10:38]
Not Vampires - 7 -- [6:18]
Not Vampires - 8 -- [3:55]
Not Vampires - 9 -- [4:17]
Not Vampires - 10 -- [6:39]
Not Vampires - 11 -- [2:53]
Not Vampires - 12 -- [2:39]
Not Vampires - 13 -- [10:53]
Not Vampires - 14 -- [9:06]
Not Vampires - 15 -- [2:09]
Not Vampires - 16 -- [9:14]
Not Vampires - 17 -- [2:37]
Not Vampires - 18 -- [9:11]



1 Comment


andy_cory_park - 1 -- [2:07]
andy_cory_park - 2 -- [5:21]
andy_cory_park - 3 -- [4:50]
andy_cory_park - 4 -- [8:05]
andy_cory_park - 5 -- [6:51]
andy_cory_park - 6 -- [3:05]
andy_cory_park - 7 -- [3:10]
andy_cory_park - 8 -- [6:17]
andy_cory_park - 9 -- [15:38]
andy_cory_park - 10 -- [2:54]
andy_cory_park - 11 -- [8:22]
andy_cory_park - 12 -- [2:04]
andy_cory_park - 13 -- [5:19]
andy_cory_park - 14 -- [5:45]
andy_cory_park - 15 -- [5:40]
andy_cory_park - 16 -- [4:28]
andy_cory_park - 17 -- [4:56]
andy_cory_park - 18 -- [5:04]
andy_cory_park - 19 -- [5:38]


September 17, 2020
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 1 - Prelude to the River -- [8:43]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 2 - Las Vegas (Instrumental) -- [7:03]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 3 - The River -- [6:00]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 4 - Dogs Will Rule the World -- [11:03]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 5 -- [5:38]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 6 - May 29 Track 6 -- [10:12]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 7 -- [9:38]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 8 - Inspiration from Typefaces -- [5:37]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 9 - Hindenburg -- [10:29]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 10 - Cosmos -- [5:53]
Yes, Exactly, Yes! - 11 -- [6:28]
radiohead puzzle night 4
September 15, 2020


Not Vampires - 1 -- [9:24]
Not Vampires - 2 -- [8:15]
Not Vampires - 3 -- [4:51]
Not Vampires - 4 -- [4:20]
Not Vampires - 5 -- [5:33]
Not Vampires - 6 -- [5:38]
Not Vampires - 7 -- [4:31]
Not Vampires - 8 -- [8:52]
Not Vampires - 9 -- [12:01]
Not Vampires - 10 -- [3:40]
Not Vampires - 11 -- [7:03]
Not Vampires - 12 -- [7:19]
Not Vampires - 13 -- [9:58]
Not Vampires - 14 -- [9:28]
Not Vampires - 15 -- [2:59]
Not Vampires - 16 -- [5:37]
Not Vampires - 17 -- [13:28]
Not Vampires - 18 -- [4:32]


radiohead puzzle night 3
September 14, 2020


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