OLD v1.0 Examples
This page has example applications that show how one uses Plush to create
killer, or at least working, software. The following examples do not include
compiled executables:
Duck Demo
A little demo for djgpp v2 and Allegro that makes a Gouraud shaded
duck that spins around. Quite easy to follow, IMO, and runs in high
rez too.
A bit more complicated demo for djgpp v2 and Allegro that stresses the
usefulness and importance of hierarchies. Also includes a mode13 version
that works w/o Allegro. Uses translucent Gouraud cubes. Demonstrates
Chaos! Quite cool.
Cube for DJGPP and Watcom
A little texture mapped cube that shows off flat shaded perspective
correct texture mapping, through an easy mode13 interface.
Includes source for Watcom 10.5 (DOS) *and* DJGPP v2.1
Cube for VC++ 4.0
A little texture mapped cube that shows off flat shaded perspective
correct texture mapping. Uses Win32 CreateDIBSection for screen writes.
Examples that include source *and* an executable:
A little program with two objects that shows off z-buffering and
translucencies. Compiled for DOS/DJGPP v2. The source is a mess tho.